Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Okay, this schedule isn't official, and sometimes no one will post at all! So please don't think this is a strict thing, it's just something that will give you an idea of what we might be posting, and when we might be posting. Ily!<3

I couldn't put it on the post so here's a link

DaAnimeCat is back!

Woah its already been this long? Heh.. Sorry guys! Alex pushed me into a hole and I died but I'm fine now! I think I'm fine... School's been a little rough for me lately, so chances are I won't be back for awhile. But who knows? Anyway, I know Singing will be updating even though I thought she fell into an erupting volcano and died, curtesy to Alex. >:3 So, I do believe that Singing will be posting her update schedule soon.. I'm going back to watching anime.


Say what?!

We haven't posted since MARCH?! Now that's a problem! I think I might be posting here a little bit more often, since I don't have a life and I'm bored. Since DaAnime fell off a cliff and died ISN'T HERE.... Dang it, Alex.... NO INTRODUCTIONS! You absolutely do NOT need to meet her... Whoa, what a way to get off track... ANYWAYS! I'm probably gonna post some Sims 4 things, Animal Crossing thing, Tomodachi Life stuff, and you know, stuff. I'll make some sort of schedule for postings. {It probably won't get followed by either of us...} So I'll probably make it now, and then update this post, and put it on it. Does that sound good to you? It does? Great, cause you have no choice.... *Diabolical laugh*  Anyways, I'm gonna give you guys a link, and that link is going to send you over to.... NOTHING! Ha, fooled yah! Nah, I just wrote that because I'm out of things to say. Then, I guess this is goodbye.

Until I make a schedule! Ha! Did I get you there? No? Well... Then bye... See ya'll when I update...